UX/UI design projects
and digital Art Direction

UX/UI design projects and digital Art Direction


Bamboche est la première marketplace événementielle qui met en lumière la richesse et le dynamisme du monde rural et des villes médianes. L’application couvre l’ensemble du territoire et compte déjà plus de 500 000 activités.

Bamboche is the first event marketplace that highlights the richness and dynamism of the rural world and mid-towns.
The application covers the entire territory and already has more than 500,000 activities.

Position : Co-founder - UX/UI design lead
Apple Store -> bamoche app
Website -> pro.bamboche.io

Position : Co-founder - UX/UI design lead
Apple Store -> bamoche app
Website -> pro.bamboche.io

BAMBOCHE Iphone 04
Bamboche _ affichage A3 V5
Bamboche _ affichage A3 V52
Bamboche _ affichage A3 V53
Bamboche _ affichage A3 V54



Brand identity, UX/UI design and social network contents for the non profit organisation PXE International, along with their first recruitment campaign to encourage those with PXE to participate in medical research.

Brand identity, UX/UI design and social network contents for the non profit organisation PXE International, along with their first recruitment campaign to encourage those with PXE to participate in medical research.

Position : UX/UI - Art Director lead
Graphic designer : Jimbo

Position : UX/UI - Art Director lead
Graphic designer : Jimbo

PXE 32
PXE 02 B copie


_ Build your sanctuary
Launch, brand strategy and brand design for HORIZON SYSTEM brand.

_ Build your sanctuary
Launch, brand strategy and brand design for HORIZON SYSTEM brand.

Position : Founder - UX/UI - Art Director
Graphic designer : Mothi Limbu
Instagram account -> horizon__system

Position : UX/UI - Art Director lead
Graphic designer : Mothi Limbu

H.S Site web 02



_ Wild for the night
A full digital ad campaing proposal for DIOR. What better way to bring together all of Dior’s ambassadors than to give them a whole musical world of their own.

_ Wild for the night
A full digital ad campaing proposal for DIOR. What better way to bring together all of Dior’s ambassadors than to give them a whole musical world of their own.

Position : Art Director lead
Agency : Iconoclast (Paris)

Position : UX/UI - Art Director lead
Agency : Iconoclast (Paris)


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